
2013, Spring -  COLT Conference

What is Writing: Writing Through Journaling

2014, March - NYSAFLT Spring Colloquium
What is Quality Writing: What I've Learned in Three Years

2014, November -  NCTE: Story As the Landscape of Knowing
The CDWP Professional Writing Cohort: Finding Our Voices

2016, March - NYSAFLT AND COLT: Navigating The Pathway To Biliteracy
Achieving Writing Goals Through Journaling

Sample Class Powerpoint to help students edit one particular entry on Daily Morning Routine 

2017, March - NYSAFLT AND COLT: 
You Want Me To Edit?: Adding Complexity to World Language Writing
Sample Class Powerpoint to help students edit introduction letter
Sample Class Powerpoint to help students edit essay details on which is better: camping or hotel
Sample Class Powerpoint to help students edit essay organization on which is better: camping or hotel

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